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Officiated Events/Facility Usage

Officiated Events


Scripture and our Lutheran Confessions call Baptism a “second birth,” the creation of a brand-new life begun in Christ. By preparing to bring your child to be baptized you are taking an important step in raising your child in the Christian faith. Baptism is not just plain water. It is water included in God’s command and combined with God’s Word.

Our Savior’s Pastors’ performs baptisms for newborns, children, senior citizens, and everybody in between, members and non-members. Please fill out and submit a baptism information form. You will then meet with one of our Pastors to talk about baptism and about becoming connected to the congregation. For more information contact the church office at (563) 332-5141. 


If you are looking to get married at Our Savior Lutheran Church, we take that to mean you want the Lord Jesus Christ at the center of your lives together. We would love to make sure you have a firm foundation to start this amazing journey, and to enable your preparation to be as smooth and memorable as possible. We are open to marry non members, but please know we see it as an opportunity to connect you on a deeper level with Christ and the ministry of the church. All weddings require the approval of the pastor.

Your first step should be to contact the church office to request a marriage application and a wedding manual that describes the process, guidelines and fees. After receiving the form back from you, it will be forwarded to one of our Pastors who will arrange a sit down appointment together. The sit down appointment is for the purpose of getting acquainted, discussing and approving your request, and then setting the date and time.

We require that all couples go through pre-marriage counseling with one of our pastors. Most often we have pre-marriage group sessions that attempt to meet once a month starting in January-May. Pre-marriage counseling also includes individual sessions with the Pastor. There is a pre-marriage assessment tool we use called Prepare-Enrich that assists with discovering strengths and growth areas as a couple. You will also be contacted by a wedding coordinator along the way to go over details for the ceremony and provide any assistance you may need.

Simply contact the church office to begin the journey, (563) 332-5141.


Our hearts at Our Savior Lutheran Church go out to you and your family at this time of the death of your loved one. At the same time we rejoice with you on the eternal happiness he/she now enjoys with Jesus. Because death is such an important and sensitive time in our lives, we have set up a process to assist families through the funeral preparation process. If you are in need of a Pastor for comfort and assistance, or to report a death, please call the church office at (563) 332-5141.

Our Pastors preside over funerals of members and non-members. The involvement of any other Pastor is contingent upon the approval of the Pastors. Funerals of non-members do require approval by our Pastor preceded by consultation. It would be our intention to be able to share the ministry of Our Savior with you and connect you in an ongoing relationship with Our Savior congregation.

Contact the church office in order to report a death, and to be put in touch with one of our Pastors to set up an initial appointment. He will work with you on the planning details, dates, times, approval, and logistics of the funeral process.

Wedding Vows
casket with flowers

Officiated Events Inquiry

1 + 10 =

Facility Usage (Please contact church office to reserve)

inside photo Sanctuary


Capacity 400

inside family life center

Family Life Center

Capacity 300

facility rental fire pit

Outdoor Chapel Area

Capacity 75

inside photo gathering room

Gathering Room

Capacity 150

inside photo adult classroom

Adult Classroom

Capacity 75

Facility Usage Inquiry

15 + 10 =

Phone & Email


3775 Middle Road
Bettendorf, IA 52722

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Worship Opportunities


SATURDAYS: 5:00 p.m. Traditional Worship with Communion
SUNDAYS:  8:00 a.m. (Traditional)*∇  & 10:00 a.m. (Contemporary)*∇

∇ = Livestream

* = Holy Communion Served

(September - May)
9:30 - 10:30 a.m.


© 2021. Our Savior Lutheran Church. All rights are reserved.